[attr := ] OUTPUT(recordset, [ format ] ,PIPE( command [, CSV | XML]) [, REPEAT] )

PIPEIndicates the specified command executes with the recordset provided as standard input to the command. This is a "write" pipe.
commandThe name of a program to execute, which takes the file as its input stream.
CSVOptional. Specifies the output data format is CSV. If omitted, the format is raw.
XMLOptional. Specifies the output data format is XML. If omitted, the format is raw.
REPEATOptional. Indicates a new instance of the specified command executes for each row in the recordset.

This form sends the recordset in the specified format as standard input to the command. This is commonly known as an "output pipe."


   // sends the A_People to MyCommandLIneProgram as
   // standard in